Alex B.
1 min readNov 13, 2021


Research Question One: How does poetry reflect overall societal attitudes?

Poets: Shakespeare, Milton, Lil Nas X, Emma Lazarus

Influential Ideas of Form: Sonnet, Hip-Hop


Guiding Questions: What are the hallmarks of each form (sonnet, free verse)

Want to Learn: What *were* attitudes towards outsiders in the Renaissance

Research Question Two: How does the change in mainstream poetic form reflect overall societal attitudes?

Poets: Langston Hughes, William Shakespeare, Emma Lazarus

Influential Ideas of Form: constrained, limited vs more open- adaptation of previous form


Guiding Questions: What are the hallmarks of each form (sonnet, free verse)

Want to Learn: Did societal attitude shape the poetic form, or vice versa?

Research Question Three: How does poetry express traditional love versus queer love?

Poets: William Shakespeare, Lil Nas X, Allen Ginsburg

Influential Ideas of Form: Sonnet is representation of old, traditional love; Rap and Hip-Hop are expressions of queer love


-Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015

-Bostock v. Clayton County, 2020

Modern sonnets:

-Guiding Questions: What are the hallmarks of each form (sonnet, free verse)

-What was expected of love then vs. now?

-What forms do queer poets use?

Want to Learn: difference between old vs new love

